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In Memoriam of Dr Otto von Habsburg | Albert Bikaj


Updated: Jan 25, 2023

On this day, eleven years ago, Dr Otto von Habsburg (1912 - 2011), the scion of the Habsburg imperial family and claimant to the Austrian-Hungarian throne, passed away.

HI&RH was known as a peace-loving man, especially was a great European, who after WW2, alongside K. Adenauer, A. Gasparini, and R. Schuman, became a powerful promoter of humanism, Christian democracy and Western values. Thus, strongly opposing the spirit of totalitarian ideologies. Among others, historians value him as an architect and supporter of the famous pan-European project for a United Europe, which today is known as the European Union.

Among others, during the tragedies of the 90s, HI&RH continued his dynasty's tradition by supporting peace; especially by supporting the historic president of Kosova, Dr Ibrahim Rugova, as well as Kosovo's independence.

Dr Otto von Habsburg, his ideas and contribution, remain an example and inspiration for all of us, especially for the future generations of Europe!

Requiescat in pace.

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